Saturday 5 January 2013

How Much Breast Milk Should I Put In a Bottle?

Ni Cik Yan amik dari link : Banyak pasal breastfeeding yang boleh kita baca dan amik mana yang kita rasa sesuai. Tak rugi kan banyak membaca pastu share la ngan sesapa yang sudi..bukan kata nak tunjuk pandai tapi ilmu kan bagus dikongsi bersama..

Question: How Much Breast Milk Should I Put In a Bottle?

It's difficult to know how much milk a baby actually gets when she's directly feeding from the breast, but you'll want to make sure that you're not overfeeding when you give your baby a bottle.

Here is the calculation for supplementing breast milk in a bottle:
  1. Convert the baby's weight to ounces. (Don't forget to add those extra ounces in!). One pound equals 16 ounces. Example: An 8 lb., 4 oz. baby will be 132 ounces.
  2. Take the baby's weight in ounces and divide by 6. Example: 132/6 = 22.
  3. Take that number and divide once again by 8 (for 8 feedings/day). This will bring you to the amount that should be in the bottle for one supplemented feed. Example: 22/8=2.75 oz.
Keep in mind that your baby may be interested in having more than the calculated amount. This is a general recommendation. In addition, you'll want to adjust these amounts as your baby has more current weight checks.

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