Cik Yan browse la kat internet pasal Avocado..pastu tertiba terjumpa article ni..Cik Yan pun dah wondering..selama ni orang kata avocado ni sayur ke? Ni petikan yang Cik Yan amik dari link
Did You Know?
An avocado is a fruit and not a vegetable! It is actually a member of the berry family.
Avocados got their name from the Spanish explorers. They couldn't pronounce the Aztec word for the fruit, know as ahuacatl, "testicle," because of its shape. The Spanish called the aguacate, leading to the guacamole we know today."
Dalam link ni ada juga cerita tentang kronologi penemuan avocado dan wujudnya nama avocado ni..Tapi nape tertiba Avocado jadi tajuk dalam blog ni ek..Sebab avocado ni baik untuk kesihatan..dan untuk yang mengharapkan anak, ini boleh jadi salah satu ikhtiar selain dari perubatan moden, tradisional tu semua. Ada sorang kakak kat opis beritahu yang fungsi avocado ni adalah untuk mencuci sebarang clot yang ada dalam uterus/ womb. Cik Yan pula hari tu ada jumpa satu presentation slides yang bertajuk "God Pharmacy". Dalam slides tu dia tunjukkan yang setiah buahan tercipta untuk tujuan tertentu seperti bentuk carrot yang di potong bulat tu melambangkan mata, batang celery lak yang kelihatan seperti tulang elok untuk tulang dan perempuan yang nak anak elok makan buah berbentuk uterus contohnya AVOCADO, pear. Jadi bila kakak tu pun berkongsi pengalaman, naper tak cuba je kan..lagi lak ada lagi khasiat lain..Tu yang nak citer ni..
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ada bentuk uterus/womb kan |
Avocado ni merupakan salah satu sumber yang bagus untuk Vit E yang bukan saja elok untuk fungsi badan tapi juga merupakan anti oxidant yang melindungi polyunsaturated fatty acids didalam membrane sel dari serangan radical. Kalu kena serangan radical maknanya akan bermulala episod cancer dan juga sakit jantung.
Avocado juga mempunyai Vit C yang diperlukan dalam penghasilan kolagen yang digunakan untuk pembesaran cell dan tisu baru dan juga anti oxidant yang sangat bagus..Jadi dah ada 2 dah Vitamin untuk anti oxidant. Tu untuk tujuan kesihatan badan kan..Avocado juga menjadi bahan utama atau pilihan dalam penjagaan kulit muka.
Ni Cik Yan amik dari link :
Calories :1/2 of a typical avocado contains approximately 160 calories ~ 20 calories less than a small bag of peanuts, and slightly lower than a small slice of cheddar cheese. In fact, avocados' monounsaturated oil speeds up the basal metabolic rate; the avocado oil content may help reduce overeating because you get full faster.
Folate: This fruit is particularly high in folate. It provides 4 percent of the recommended daily allowance. Folate deficiency has been implicated in precancerous lesions particularly found in the cervix and colon. Although folate is found in a variety of foods, as much as half may be destroyed in the cooking process.
Pregnancy : Since avocado is primarily freshly prepared, folate benefits are maximised. Pregnant women and those trying to conceive will benefit from the high levels of folate in avocados, essential for the development of the fetus. Eating half an avo daily provides extra protection for both mother and baby. The soft, easily digestible flesh of the avocado makes it an ideal first fruit for babies. Children get more vitamins from avocados than they would from any other fruit.
Fibre: A hundred grams of avocado provide 3.2 grams of dietary fibre, giving it the highest concentration of dietary fibre of any commonly eaten fruit. High fibre intake is important because it lowers risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.
Healthy Oils: Avocado do not contain cholesterol and are very rich in monounsaturated oil, an essential element for lowering LDL cholesterol levels. Mono and polyunsaturated oils make up more than 70% of the oil content in avocados. These 'good' oils have been shown to protect the arterial walls and, therefore, protect against arterial heart disease, one of the country's major killers, which claims tens of thousands of lives every year.
Vitamins:Aside from folate, Vitamins A and C, avocados are very rich in Vitamin B6, which helps keep the nervous system in good working order and is especially beneficial to some women suffering from PMS. Avocado also contains Vitamin A in the safe carotene form.
More Nutrition: In addition, avocados are brimming with Potassium, a mineral necessary for maintaining the right balance of water in the body Half an avocado provides you with an eighth of your daily needs. Phosphorus, an important mineral for bone health, is also found in avocados.
Folate: This fruit is particularly high in folate. It provides 4 percent of the recommended daily allowance. Folate deficiency has been implicated in precancerous lesions particularly found in the cervix and colon. Although folate is found in a variety of foods, as much as half may be destroyed in the cooking process.
Pregnancy : Since avocado is primarily freshly prepared, folate benefits are maximised. Pregnant women and those trying to conceive will benefit from the high levels of folate in avocados, essential for the development of the fetus. Eating half an avo daily provides extra protection for both mother and baby. The soft, easily digestible flesh of the avocado makes it an ideal first fruit for babies. Children get more vitamins from avocados than they would from any other fruit.
Fibre: A hundred grams of avocado provide 3.2 grams of dietary fibre, giving it the highest concentration of dietary fibre of any commonly eaten fruit. High fibre intake is important because it lowers risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.
Healthy Oils: Avocado do not contain cholesterol and are very rich in monounsaturated oil, an essential element for lowering LDL cholesterol levels. Mono and polyunsaturated oils make up more than 70% of the oil content in avocados. These 'good' oils have been shown to protect the arterial walls and, therefore, protect against arterial heart disease, one of the country's major killers, which claims tens of thousands of lives every year.
Vitamins:Aside from folate, Vitamins A and C, avocados are very rich in Vitamin B6, which helps keep the nervous system in good working order and is especially beneficial to some women suffering from PMS. Avocado also contains Vitamin A in the safe carotene form.
More Nutrition: In addition, avocados are brimming with Potassium, a mineral necessary for maintaining the right balance of water in the body Half an avocado provides you with an eighth of your daily needs. Phosphorus, an important mineral for bone health, is also found in avocados.
Dah baca kan..kan ada folate tu...kalu jumpa doctor pakar O&G mesti dia bagi folic acid kan..sebab apa..sebab nak dapatkan zat folate la tu..jadi apa kata kita tambah lagi zat folate tu dengan amik avocado jugak..Untung2 boleh mengelakkan masalah jantung di masa hadapan..
Lupalak..avocado ni pun leh jadikan kita kurus tau (hehhe..nak masuk jugak)..sebabnya avocado ni kan macam berlemak2 kan..sesapa yang nak makan aiskrim tu tukar je ngan avocado (macam xleh je ngan Cik Yan..). Cik Yan baca avocado ni telah dijadikan bahan penting dalam dietary program untuk :
- USDA's Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- American Diabetes Association's Diabeted Food Pyramid
- UCLA Center for Human Nutrition's California Cuisine Food Pyramid
- The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Dieting Plan.
Pasni, Cik Yan kenala rajin makan avocado ni..Dulu pas baca slides tu En Suami letak avocado tu kecik2 dalam air yogurt..kira boleh la terima sikit tapi kejap je Cik Yan amalkan..masa tu x tau khasiat lain avocado. Pasni bolehla pelbagaikan avocado ni contoh macam gambo2 ni..
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kalu kat wong solo namanya jus alpukat.. |
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shrimp salad with avocado |
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muffin avocado |
Ni saje nak kongsi resepi kalu korang ni langsung takleh terima rasa avocado
Puding avocado
1 1/2 cmb gelatin
2 cmb air
1 biji avocado
200 ml plain yogurt
200 ml fresh milk
60 g gula
1/2 biji lemom - amik jus je
Panaskan gelatin dan air, ketepikan. Blend kan yogurt, fresh milk, avocado dan gula. Bila dah sebati blend lagi bersama gelatin dan kemudian tuangkan ke dalam bekas dan sejukkan. Bila nak makan tu leh lah letak sirap maple ke caramel ke..pepandai lah ek..
Jadi mari kita target untuk makan 2 biji avocado dalam seminggu..hahahahah. Hari tu masa gi Kemaman, makcik sedara En Suami bagi asam boi kisar..Kata dia bebudak UPM yang buat dan jual di sekolah tempat dia keje..Jadi Cik Yan nak cubalah makan avocado tu cicah asam boi macam Cik Yan makan dengan apple hijau tu.
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