Thursday 9 July 2015

I am Just A Housewife

I am just a housewife, no mean feat
I put food on the table, for my family to eat

nourishing wholesome meals, cooked with a mother's touch,
not food like a restaurants, which you don't miss much,

I am there to comfort and listen to woes,
I have to be a referee too, and settle all the rows,

I'm house proud and neat, clean rooms are a must,
my days are spent cleaning, and keeping out the dust,

I am a nurse, too helping in healing, wounds of both kinds,
real fears of my husband and imaginary fears of young minds,

I am a hostess when required, entertaining within constraints,
I'm also a disciplinarian when children require restraints,

I manage the finances, and keep everything going
when things are not going right for me I keep them from showing

my husband earns the bread, its my job to keep him going,
I steer the boat and he does the rowing,

together we raise children, to be happy and bright
together we live our our life working morning to night

but don't forget my friends that men CAN'T multi task,
how to juggle so many tasks its a woman you have to ask.

and all this without payment, and sometimes no appreciation,
that's what women are about,
endless love, nurture and creation.

by Arti Chopra

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