Sunday 13 April 2014

Resepi Makanan Mia : Krispy Fish Finger

Hari tu ada orang menegur tentang makanan Mia yang kononnya mahal tapi Cik Yan jawab untungnya ada di Kuala Lumpur ni sebab kita berdekatan dengan tempat borong ikan frozen ni atau lebih nak kata pengedar untuk pasaraya di Kuala Lumpur ni.

En Suami belikan Mia ikan Salmon dan Dory yang mana jika beli pada harga biasa aduh sangatla mahal kan tapi dek kerana beli kat pengedar ni, kami dapat pada suku harga rasanya untuk setiap gram / kg..Ni baru kata belanja dengan bijak sebab nak yang terbaik tapi pada harga yang berpatutan dan kualiti tak terjejas (perasan jap diri bijak)..

Sebab Mia ni kekadang suka nak mengunyah time bangun pagi maka Cik Yan buatkan dia jejari ikan ni. Bila datang angin dia tak nak makan nasi atau makanan berat, Cik Yan bagi je benda ni sebab ada protein dan karbohidrat jugak..

Ni copy paste jugak dari website Annabel...


  • 225g skinless sole or plaice fillets
  • 45g Rice Krispies - omitt
  • 3 tbsp freshly grated Parmesan
  • ¼ tsp paprika - omitt
  • 1 tsp sesame seeds (optional) - dah kata pun optional...lagila x letak
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp plain flour
  • 2–3 tbsp sunflower oil, for frying - I orang Malaysia, guna minyak kelapa sawit je
  • Salt and pepper, to season

Lemon mayo dip
·         2 tbsp mayonnaise
·         2 tbsp Greek yoghurt
·         1 tsp lemon juice
·         A pinch of salt to season (optional)
  1. Cut the fish into little finger-sized pieces. Cover and set aside in the fridge.
  2. Put the Rice Krispies, Parmesan and paprika in a food processor, and whiz to fine crumbs. Transfer to a plate and stir in salt and pepper to taste and the sesame seeds (if using).
  3. Beat the egg in a bowl with a pinch of salt. Spread the flour out on a separate plate.
  4. Toss three or four of the fish pieces in the flour, then dunk in the egg, and roll in the Krispie crumbs until well coated. Sit on a clean plate and continue with remaining fish.
  5.  Cook or freeze immediately. To freeze, lay the uncooked fish fingers on a baking sheet lined with cling film. Cover with cling film and freeze around 2 hours, until firm. Transfer to re-sealable plastic bags and cook as above, direct from frozen (the cooking time is the same). Not suitable for reheating.
  6. To cook, heat the oil in a large frying pan and add the fish fingers. Fry for 1½ –2 minutes each side, until golden and cooked through. Transfer to a plate lined with kitchen paper and cool slightly before serving.
  7. To make the dip, mix all of the ingredients together in a small bowl. If you like, you can season the dip to taste with a pinch of salt. 

Cara Cik Yan ..
  1. Fillet dory tu Cik Yan potong ikut size jari Mia..senang dia nak pegang kan..
  2. Lumur dengan tepung yang Cik Yan letak white pepper
  3. Breadcrumb tu Cik Yan haluskan lagi dengan blender campur dengan keju cheddar (Irish Cheddar + Smoked Cheddar)
  4. Telur tu pukul sikit letak daun parsley, pasal dah smoked cheddar tu masin..xdelah garam kan.
  5. Dory yang dah kena salut tepung tu celup dalam telur pastu letak kat bekas yang ada breadcrumbs
  6. Cik Yan goyang2 je bekas breadcrumbs tu jadinya dia balut sekata, kalu nak tebal, letak lagi breadcrumbs,,
  7. Cik Yan goreng sikit pastu letak atas tray bakar dalam oven 
  8. Selebihnya simpan dalam frozen area tu...jadi bebila nak, boleh goreng..

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